503.689.8679 info@spamanzanita.com

Challenge Yourself

Last week I mentioned that some of you may want to set a goal to challenge yourself to do more. I bring this up because I hear all the time that you want to feel better, look better and be healthier.     In order to do this you need to make some changes, a few tweaks!...


  STICKTOITNESS ~Janice You want to get in shape, you can imagine what it would be like, there are days you get up and get out there and it feels great, but then there are other days…. Well I wish there was a magic potion to give you discipline or some special words...

Cross Training and Weight Loss

  Are some of you trying to loose a few pounds and maybe have hit a weight-loss plateau? I suggest that you start cross training and whatever you do, do not cut too many calories out of your diet, which will only result in slowing your metabolism down making it even...

Active Stretching Article

    Here is an article that explains a bit more about the philosophy of stretching that I adhere to. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/02/sports/playmagazine/112pewarm.html?_r=1&em

Warm Up

Warm up is an essential part of training.  There is no doubt that time spent on warming up will improve your level of performance and accelerate the recovery process, plus what I have experienced on  a mental level is that when you allow your body to take its time to...