by Maggie Pollock | May 16, 2009 | Fitness
Cardiovascular Fitness Cardiovascular fitness can be defined simply as your body’s ability to get oxygen and blood to the muscles. When you do physical activity and your pulse quickens and your breathing gets deeper, you are using your cardiovascular system....
by Maggie Pollock | May 7, 2009 | Fitness
So I had a young client in yesterday (38 years old I think that is young). She says to me something that I wish I had a $1 for every time I have heard these exact words: “I never have had these problems before” Yep, those the words that are the starting block...
by Maggie Pollock | May 1, 2009 | Fitness
I would like to address the topic of dressing for running. (And when I say running I mean walking too!) While running shoes continue to be the most important piece of athletic equipment for a runner, some consideration must still be paid to what you put on the...
by Maggie Pollock | Apr 19, 2009 | Fitness
Do you really want to slim down? Lean out? Change your body? Reduce the fat percentages in your body composition? Ready to turn yourself into a lean, mean, calorie-torching machine? Then got to get pumped! If you’ve blown off weight training for fear of...
by Maggie Pollock | Apr 17, 2009 | Fitness
“Is it true if you drink lots of water, it will help you to loose weight? Is it bad for your body if you consume too much of it?” Studies show that people who drank two glasses of water 20-30 minutes before a meal loose more weight. Being even 1 percent dehydrated...
by Maggie Pollock | Apr 11, 2009 | Fitness
Last week I mentioned that some of you may want to set a goal to challenge yourself to do more. I bring this up because I hear all the time that you want to feel better, look better and be healthier. In order to do this you need to make some changes, a few tweaks!...