by Maggie Pollock | Oct 5, 2011 | Fitness, Health and Wellness
Fall is officially here and we all know whats coming for the next eight months. It’s exciting, we do love the storms high seas and big winds it is one of the many reasons we live here. But something I hear over and over again is the moaning about winter weight gain...
by Maggie Pollock | Sep 2, 2011 | Fitness
A couple years ago I was riding my bike down 101 into a head wind and a friend drove by. I did not see him at the time, but later he said to me “you looked so serious”. I have actually have heard this comment a few times in my life and I had to give it some thought....
by Maggie Pollock | Aug 16, 2011 | Fitness, Specials
SPA MANZANITA IS OFFERING A SPORTS MASSAGE SPECIAL! You have traveled from the mountains to the sea! Congratulations & Reward Yourself! 15% off for all participants (runners and walkers). A massage will feel so good… Offer good until Sunday Sept....
by Maggie Pollock | Apr 3, 2010 | Fitness
Rest and Recovery are generic terms meaning a return to a “state of readiness”. Recovery will provide a replenishment of nutrients and energy stores. In the last article you learned about the importance of long-term rest and recovery. That included sleep and a day off...
by Maggie Pollock | Mar 15, 2010 | Fitness, Health and Wellness
I bet you thought you would not hear me talk of this subject, rest. Yes I do take rest days, although I will be honest with you, this is an area I personally have trouble with. As you get more and more into fitness you may find yourself having emotional issues over a...
by Maggie Pollock | Feb 19, 2010 | Fitness
It starts with a commitment to healthier living. When you make that commitment you make a decision to change in some way, somehow that you accept the responsibility to transform and believe in your ability to do so. It’s about passion and enjoyment, go back to when...