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Why wait for New-Year’s Day Resolutions?

 It’s the middle of October and we are looking at the end to another year, this is a good time to reflect upon the goals and achievements of 2009.

Most of us choose to use the new-year as a catalyst to initiate changes for the coming year.  We can look back on 2009 at the goals achieved and those that weren’t. Try and decipher what fueled your success and use this as a blueprint for new successes.

I know there are quite a few of us that abandoned our fitness and health goals in 2009, so I have an idea! (You knew this was coming).

Let’s launch some “new-year resolutions” now and get a jump start on 2010.

Don’t get me wrong, I think new-years resolutions are super and I have my list. But why wait? This is a great time of year to embark on new fitness and health routines

The way I see it, a jump start on some healthy choices is the best way to approach the holiday season.  Don’t be a victim of “holiday weight gain”!

This will make your holiday season so much more enjoyable, you will feel better, have more energy and you might even fit into that sexy new-year’s outfit (men too) that resides in back of the closet!



How To Start New Healthy Routines Now?


One of my favorite thoughts is: action precedes motivation and not the other way around.

We get caught up thinking that we have to wait for motivation to start doing something good for ourselves, but that is not how it works. You just need to initiate action; even the smallest of actions will facilitate some momentum.

Here are some tips that could help you get started:

  • Start with bite-sized pieces that you’ll be able to accomplish.  If your goals are too big, you can end up feeling defeated before you get a good start. 
  • Avoid perfectionist thinking. Focus on positive terms; avoid self talk that is negative.
  • Don’t make your resolutions absolute. Keep real!
  • Share with a friend. Tell someone you trust about your goals.
  • Make your goals yours. The goals you have set for yourself should be something you really desire. If you don’t have a strong internal motivation you won’t be successful.
  • Tune in to your spirituality. Spend some time outside; nature will help you find balance!


Here are some simple tips to help you with the two most common and important wellness routines you will want to start now.

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health.

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or exercising for fitness, it’s important for everyone to do some level of weightlifting and aerobic exercise. Ultimately you want strength, flexibility and endurance.

Schedule it in your day. Pick a time of day and stick to it. You have to make it a priority because it is. I would say this is the biggest obstacle for most of us.

Get up and move! At my work place I call it “pop ups”. Incorporate exercise during the day, even while you’re at work. If you sit at a desk most of the day, get out of your chair at least once an hour and walk around.  Use the five-minute-per-hour rule. Look for ways to just get up and move.  Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk down the hall instead of using the phone or e-mail, or take a walk during a morning or afternoon break.

Weight Loss where do you start? Write it down. Writing down what you eat is the best way I know to become more aware of just how much and what you are eating. The awareness factor is tremendous, if you have to write it down you will think twice about mindless eating, plus you will learn about yourself. Knowledge is power. You can do this with your exercise too. Keep a log.

Good luck and make health, not looks, your priority. “Positive thinking is a big part of it. Try to keep your focus in the right place — not on the numbers but the feeling and desire for better health and well-being.