503.689.8679 info@spamanzanita.com

Cannon Beach: Monday  6 – 8 p.m.
                               Sept. 28 – Nov. 30

                               Tolovana Hall


Zen Lifestyles is an interactive experience that involves learning and practicing the basic principles of relaxed thinking, mindful attention, emotional vibrancy, behavioral flexibility, soulful creativity, and spiritual harmony and peace.  This class involves lectures and discussions, meditation, experiential exercises, and relationship-building among participants.  Although the “theory” evolved from Japanese Buddhism, Chinese Taoism, Existentialism, and Christian Mysticism….this class is non-religious in nature; and focuses on fundamental dynamics of compassion, freedom, creativity, happiness, community-building, and love. 


Note:  If you have taken one of Dr. Eldridge’s classes during the past 2 years (which focused on Personal Enlightenment )…..you will notice that this current offering, stresses the extension of Zen Lifestyle Principles

….into various aspects of Community Living.  The topics include:  * social violence  *healthcare  *distribution of wealth  *economic and political competition  *education of children  *environmental balance  *global culture  *post-modern civilization  *work-based societies  *poverty. 

If you have not previously studied with Dr. Eldridge, or do not have a “Zen Philosophy” Background…..please contact him for a private Introductory Orientation…..prior to the first week of class.

William Eldridge, Ph.D.

Bill is an Existential Philosopher and Spiritual Psychotherapist, from Ohio State University; with nearly 40 years of experience in teaching, consulting, writing about, and researching….. the peaceful and compassionate dynamics of human growth and development, self-actualized living, psycho-emotional harmony and balance, inspirational being, and healthy communities.  He was the Founder of The Center For Peace Studies and Community Development in Columbus, Ohio….and has currently organized a Task Force….to create The Oregon Institute for Peace, Spiritual Development, and Community Transformation, along the Coast.  He has lived in Cannon Beach for 3 years.

For further information:  Visit his Website at:  www.WDEldridge.com


                                               Contact him personally:  eldridge.3@osu.edu

                                                                                                (503) 436-0766